Roof Replacement and New Gutters in Unionville, CT
Before shot, taken during estimate.

Roof Replacement and New Gutters in Unionville, CT
A close up of shingle deterioration on the rear of the home.

Roof Installation in Unionville, CT
Right before we started tear off, with light snow still on the shingles from a late winter/early spring storm.

Roof Replacement with Shingle Slide
We always tarp off your home to protect your yard and leave it better than we found it.

Roof Replacement Process
Plywood decking.

Roof Ventilation Installation
The layer between your attic and underlayment.

New Shingles in Unionville, CT
Underlayment with shingle bundles, ready to be nailed in.

New Gutters in Unionville, CT
A row of shingle bundles.

Full Roof Replacement in Unionville, CT
Finished roof with ridge vent.