On site in Prospect, CT
Here we are laying out the materials in preparation.
Prospect, CT Shed Roof Replacement
We even match your home's roof with that of any accompanying structures.
Before getting to work
A before shot of the roof.
Removing the former roof
We've stripped the old shingles and laid out a tarp to capture the former glory of this roof.
Chimney Siding
It's not every day you see a chimney with siding. It turned out looking great.
Chimney Flashing
Documenting the process of siding a chimney.
Siding and Flashing Together
A closer look at the materials.
Finished Chimney Siding
The siding on this chimney is tight and looks quite crisp with the rest of the home.
Siding Installation in Prospect, CT
This is the new siding we installed.
Overhauling the Rest of the Home
This project included new flashing, corner boards, and siding.
Custom Water Channel
We incorporated some new utilities to expedite drainage.
Finished Product
The shade of the shingle really looks great with the stone facade of this home.