Before Roof Replacement
This beautiful home is ready to start its roof replacement! Although the current roofing in this picture does not appear to have any damage, it has endured 25 years of service and even leaks. It is important to replace your roof every 20 years to ensure the safety of your house structure. Now, let's start the roof replacement- The Klaus Roofing Way!

Removing Old Chimney Flashing
One of the initial stages in roof replacement involves stripping away the old roofing to inspect the plywood beneath the shingles. In this photograph, our Klaus Larsen Roofers are removing the old shingles, including the existing chimney flashing, to make way for new flashing installation.

Work In Progress
Transformation underway! Our team at Klaus Larsen Roofing is hard at work placing down the Ice & Water self-sealing membrane and the Valora One synthetic underlayment. These membranes protect the home from the harsh New England weather, ensuring your home stays leak-free- and you worry-free.

New Shingles Close Up
Our IKO Dynasty Architectural Shingles are in the beautiful Biscayne color here, complementing the peaceful home perfectly. These shingles have a 130 MPH Wind Warranty with tear-resistant Armor Zone Strips and a Fastback Sealant giving your roofing the extra protection it needs to last.

Finished Roof Replacement
New roof, new perspective! The already peaceful home is now worry-free with fresh plywood and shingles that are made to last, done the Klaus Roofing Way!